Iran has so many places of interest, history and beautiful nature that it can occupy a month of a tourist’s time. But among all these tourist attractions, what can relieve the fatigue of tourists more than Iranian food and encourage them to travel to Iran again? Many tourists in different websites and books from different countries of the world have admitted that Iranian food has blown their minds and they are ready to come to Iran again just to repeat the pleasure of eating. From kebabs and various types of stews and soups and dishes from different cities to all kinds of Iranian desserts, they are all popular around the world. As far as the Telegraph magazine as well as foodrepublic has published a list of several delicious and popular Iranian dishes. Next, we will check this list.
Baghali pilau: the king of rice dishes
When you look at the menu of a restaurant, it is not possible to simply pass the name of bean pilaf with meat, and it is definitely one of the main possibilities of your order. This wonderful dish has made foreign tourists fall in love with it and remains the king of rice dishes. This whole food, which is rich in nutrients, can be cooked with different types of meat such as muscle, loin or neck, all of which are equally delicious. If we remember the dill, butter and saffron in this dish, there is no other choice in the Iranian food menu. If you are allergic to beans and cannot eat this Iranian food, we must say that you have unfortunately missed one of the strangest pleasures.
Qorme sabzi: Iranian dish that everyone likes
Foreign tourists also have good taste, because Ghorme stew is one of their favorite Iranian food in Toronto. It is not possible for anyone to be Iranian and the combination of the fragrant vegetables of Qorme Sabzi and the aroma of this Iranian food will not prepare him for a heart full of mourning. Although it is unbelievable, one of the criteria of some men for marriage is that the woman knows how to cook excellent vegetable stew. The combination of fenugreek, parsley, and cilantro, along with meat, beans, and Omani lemon, in addition to its unique taste, brings with it rich nutritional properties.
Zereshk Polo: the miracle of barberry and its popularity
Except an Iranian, who can understand the wonderful taste of barberry and saffron on rice and its combination with cooked chicken? Foreign tourists are greeted with Zereshk Polo with chicken, which the uninitiated might think is their native dish and not a popular Iranian dish. Chicken is one of the most delicious and healthy types of meat that can be boiled with vegetables, fried, grilled, etc. next to Zereshk Polo. But it seems that what distinguishes this food is the miracle of barberry and its special properties.
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