Mirza Ghasemi is one of the original and very popular dishes of Gilan province, which is very popular as one of the most delicious Iranian food in Toronto due to its delicious and special taste due to the grilled eggplant. Stay with Khansalar to see the complete and step-by-step instructions on how to prepare Mirza Ghasemi.
Necessary ingredients for 4 people
- Eggplant-6 medium pieces
- Tomatoes-2 medium ones
- Eggs-2 pcs
- Garlic-4 cloves
- Tomato paste-1 tablespoon
- Enough oil and turmeric
- Enough salt and black pepper
First step
To prepare Mirza Ghasemi suitable for a party, we must first grill the eggplants, for this purpose we can use the flame of a gas stove or a charcoal grill. We should grill the eggplants well until the skin of the eggplants burns completely.
Second step
Of course, if you don’t like the smoky taste of grilled eggplant, you can boil the eggplants. After grilling the eggplants, we let them cool a little, then we slowly remove their skins.
Third step
After removing the skin, put the eggplants in a large bowl, then crush them completely with a meat grinder until their texture is separated. Next, we set aside the eggplants and prepare the tomatoes.
Fourth step
Put the tomatoes in a pot of boiling water for 5 minutes so that the skin can be easily removed. After 5 minutes, we take the tomatoes out of the boiling water and after they cool down a little, we remove their skins easily.
Fifth step
We put a suitable pan on the heat and add some oil. Next, we grate the garlic and fry it in a little oil until they become soft and light, then we add some turmeric to the garlic and fry well until the garlic and turmeric are uniform.
Sixth step
At this stage, we add eggplants and fry for about 20 minutes. Then we add very finely or grated tomatoes to the pan and fry well until the excess water of the tomatoes evaporates and Mirza Ghasemi falls into the oil.
Seventh step
Adding tomato paste to Mirza Ghasemi is optional. But if you want Mirza Ghasemi to have a better taste and color, you can add 1 tablespoon of tomato paste to Mirza Ghasemi at this stage. Fry the tomato paste until it is completely fried.
Eighth step
At this stage, we collect the ingredients of Mirza Ghasemi on one side of the pan, then break the eggs in the empty part of the pan, and after they are cooked well, we mix them with the other ingredients of Mirza Ghasemi until they are completely uniform with the other ingredients.
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