Today in Khansalar, we want to continue our last week’s discussion and talk about foreigners’ views on Iranian food. In the previous part of this article, we could not examine these foods and we could only examine their effective factors. So stay with us.
The most famous Iranian stews
One of the famous Iranian foods from the point of view of foreigners is rice, the way it is cooked and consumed by Iranian people. Rice is one of the main food items that is consumed on average in at least one meal of the daily meals of Iranian families. The high amount of rice consumed in meals is one of the main differences between the eating habits of Iranian people and other countries. The consumption of rice is accompanied by various seasonings and foods, which are called stew, and in total, this combination is called rice and stew. Famous and delicious stews are prepared in every region and province of Iran, which can attract the attention of tourists. In the following, we introduce the most famous Iranian stews and dishes that are served with rice.
Qorme Sabzi Stew
The magical combination of red beans or Cheshm Bolboli with different vegetables, meat and lemon is one of the national dishes of Iran. Qorme Sabzi is one of the most famous Iranian(Persian) food in Toronto.
Gheymeh stew
Gheymeh(Gheime) stew has different combinations in different regions of the country and is cooked according to the taste of the people of each region. But the main and most popular gheemeh stew is prepared as one of Iran’s national dishes with fried potatoes, cobs, meat and lemon.
Eggplant stuffing stew
Eggplant stew is another popular Iranian stew that has a wide variety according to different regions of the country. The main recipe for this stew includes eggplant, tomatoes, meat, cobs and paste.
Celery stew
Celery stew is one of the popular Iranian dishes, which is cooked by adding celery stalks to the main structure of green vegetables. Beans or cobs are also used in it based on the food taste of the consumers.
Fesenjan stew
Fesanjan stew is one of the most famous Iranian stews. A combination of walnuts, pomegranate paste, chicken or minced meat has made Fesanjan stew one of the most expensive and famous Iranian dishes.
Ghalie Mahi
Ghalie Mahi is one of the most delicious dishes in Iran and a local dish in the beautiful south of Iran. Fish, fenugreek and coriander, Indian stamp and pomegranate paste, garlic and special spices are the main ingredients of fish roe.
Shredded stew(Khoresht Khalal)
One of the tastiest and most expensive Iranian dishes is Khoresht Khalal. Meat, sliced almonds, saffron, barberry, rose water and cinnamon are the main ingredients of this local Kermanshah stew.
Sour chicken stew
Another one of the most famous Iranian stews is sour chicken stew, which is prepared with chicken meat, pomegranate paste and walnut powder.
Baghali Qatouq
Baghali Qatooq or Baghali Khoresht is one of the most famous dishes in the North of Iran, especially in Gilan province. A combination of kidney beans, garlic, dill and egg is the basis of this stew.
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